NearMap - pay per site

NearMap - pay per site

You can now purchase high resolution Nearmap aerial imagery on a site-by-site basis (for AU and NZ only), with no more need for your own account with nearmap.

1. Enable Nearmap pay per site on your account.

Business Administrators will receive a notification on the Dashboard, with an option to enable this feature for your Business Account. This will allow all users in your business to purchase Nearmap images from the design page on a site-by-site basis. If you missed this notification, and want to go ahead and enable it, please Contact Support.

If you are unsure whether the option is active, simply go to the Design page of a quote and see the pop-up confirmation appears as mentioned in Step 2 below.


2. Purchase a Nearmap image from the Design Page

Create a quote as per usual, and on the design page, select the Nearmap icon in the map options section.

You will receive a notification with the date of the most recent Nearmap available. To purchase, click OK.




Each site address is charged at an introductory price of $8+GST (AUD). This means you pay once for one address. For example, you might do a quote for John Smith at 3 River St, and then duplicate that quote 3 times to create variations, but you will only pay $8+GST.

The purchase will be added to your business' account, and summed at the end of the calendar month.



Nearmap coverage is constantly increasing, however it is not available everywhere. If you select the Nearmap icon and imagery is not available, you will receive this message, and you will not be charged:

This error may also show if you have an existing Nearmap API key entered in the Integration section and your Nearmap plan does not cover the address.

Please try again after removing your API key from the Integration section.

Using your existing Nearmap account instead

If you already have an account with nearmap and want to integrate it with SolarPlus rather than pay for imagery on a site-by-site basis, please see the instructions here: NearMap - link your account via API


Big properties, small Nearmaps

For tips on how to pinpoint a building on a large property, please see the instructions here: New or remote addresses that Google can't find | and how to get the exact location for a nearmap image


Older maps

Historical Nearmap images of the site are included with the purchase. See here for how to access older historical Nearmap images Historical map layers

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