NearMap - link your account via API

NearMap - link your account via API


You can access NearMaps within SolarPlus using your current NearMap subscription. To purchase a subscription visit http://www.nearmap.com

Alternatively, you can purchase NearMap imagery on a site-by-site basis through SolarPlus.

1. In NearMap, Create an API Application

Your company’s Nearmap administrator needs to

  1. log in to https://admin.nearmap.com/welcome/  

  2. Click “Integrations” and then “API Apps”

  3. Create an API application and call it "SolarPlus".

You must be the administrator of your Nearmap account to do this step. If you can’t see “My API Keys” or an option to Create an API Application, then someone else in your business is the administrator for your NearMap account, please ask them to do it. For more instructions on this process, please see https://help.nearmap.com/kb/articles/666-manage-api-applications?utm_source=community-search&utm_medium=organic-search&utm_term=create+API+app

2. Create an API Key and copy it

While still logged into NearMap, under the API menu, create an API Key for “SolarPlus”. Copy this key

See full instructions for this process at:



3. Add your key to SolarPlus

  • Login to SolarPlus

  • Go to More Settings > Admin > Integrations.

  • Paste the key under the Nearmap heading.

Note: You may have to wait up to an hour for the API key to become active.

Load Maps

Create a quote and on the panel layout page, click the 'Nearmap' icon in the bottom-left of the map area to switch to Nearmap imagery.

You can also edit your User Profile to select Nearmap as your default map.

If you have any issues please Create a Support Ticket


New Users

Please create a Support Ticket to request that additional users be given access to your NearMap account.


Pay-per-site alternative

If you’d like to end your nearmap subscription and buy individual maps on a site-by-site basis, please see the instructions here: NearMap - pay per site


Older maps

See here for how to access older historical nearmap images Historical map layers

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