


Zapier is a middleware platform that allows you to sync information and functions between many different CRM and marketing platforms, including Simpro, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Zoho and many more


Search Zapier for any app to connect with SolarPlus

Can’t find the app you’re looking to connect? There are other ways to connect apps through Zapier:



To connect to the SolarPlus Zapier integration click the link below:




When a trigger happens in SolarPlus, another action takes place in your other app, or vice-versa. (eg. When a quote is approved in SolarPlus, a new contact/quote is created in SimPro, or the status of a quote is updated)

You can chain together a range of triggers and actions to suit your purposes.

The SolarPlus Zapier App has the following functions:

Triggers - When this happens in SolarPlus, trigger an action in another app

  • Quote Created

  • Quote Status Updated

  • Quote Deleted

Actions - When something happens in another app, trigger one of these actions in SolarPlus

  • Create a new Contact record in Solarplus (Create New Contact)

  • Get all line items in a quote (Quotes LineItems)

  • Get All Quotes by Contact (Contact Quotes)

  • Update existing contact information (Update Contact)

  • Delete a Contact (Delete Contact)

  • View a Contact’s Information (View Contact)

(brackets are the Zapier action names)


Some Common Use Cases

Syncing from SolarPlus

When a new Contact is created in SolarPlus, sync all contact details to the other CRM/app

When a quote is sent, update the status of the customer record in the other app

When a quote is sent, sync all quote line items across to the other app (note: grouped items will be synced as separate line items to that you have all components itemised.


Syncing to SolarPlus

When a new Contact is created in the other app, sync all contact details into SolarPlus

When a deal is updated to a certain pipeline stage in Hubspot, update the status of the quote in SolarPlus


Common Zapier Connections

Here are some Apps you might want to connect your SolarPlus account to through Zapier:


Search for any other app at



Before you start

A Zapier integration can be a quick way to connect and sync information between your apps.

However some people might find the setup process time-consuming and requiring some patience.

If you have trouble, consider finding a developer or someone who has worked with Zapier before.

To get information on what Zapier can offer to extend your SolarPlus platform, check out this explainer first: https://solarplus.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SPHC/pages/2124972033



  1. Create invite - click on this link:


2. Accept invite. Click accept invite & build a zap

3. Click Make a zap

4. Go to Trigger and choose SolarPlus (1.1.1) as the app


5. Choose contact is created trigger and hit continue


6. Click Sign in to SolarPlus (opens in new window)

7. (contents of the sign in to SolarPlus window)


8. Retrieve and Copy your token from the integrations view under the Admin > My preferences settings:



9. Paste on zapier sign in process then continue


10. Test the trigger



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