NSW Battery Rebate

NSW Battery Rebate



Risk Assessment inc Arc Flash Calculator

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Create the rebate in your inventory

  1. go to More Settings > Inventory

  2. click Add Custom Item

  3. under Category, select Subsidy

  4. under name, enter NSW Battery Rebate BESS 1 (Ausgrid).

  5. click save

  6. select Apply Sales Tax

  7. upload this Battery Fact Sheet in the brochure section

  8. follow the same process for BESS 1 (Essential Energy and Endeavour), and BESS 2.

Use the following formulas to calculate the rebate price:

BESS 1 Ausgrid

floor ((usable-battery-kwh * 0.0853 * 1 * 1.04 * 10 * 6 * 15 )) * 2

BESS 1 Endeavour & EE

floor ((usable-battery-kwh * 0.0853 * 1 * 1.05 * 10 * 6 * 15 )) * 2

BESS 2 Ausgrid

floor ((usable-battery-kwh * 1.04 * 11.646)) * 2

BESS 2 Endeavour & EE

floor ((usable-battery-kwh * 1.05 * 11.646)) * 2

  • The part in brackets is the number of PRCs, rounded down to the nearest whole number

  • The last number (2) in the above formulas is the certificate price ex GST.



There 2 methods you can use to create the NSW battery rebate (you can use both methods to create 2 subsidy/rebate items which you switch between as needed).

  1. The first method uses the “Subsidy” item category in the inventory which applies the subsidy to the quote after the Total GST is calculated. So, the “total GST” line on the quote is not affected by the subsidy amount. The subsidy appears as a separate line in the quote summary section.
    Subsidies - STCs, LGCs, VEECs, ESCs, PRCs, etc | Method 1 (Quote total GST not affected)

  2. (not recommended - see the note on the link below) - The second method uses the “Discount” or any other category like the “Administrative” item category in the inventory which applies the rebate to the quote before the Total GST is calculated. So, the “total GST” line on the quote is affected by the subsidy amount. The rebate appears as a line item in the quote table with a negative price.
    Subsidies - STCs, LGCs, VEECs, ESCs, PRCs, etc | Method 2 (Quote total GST is affected) not usually recommended

BESS Fact Sheet

The file below is a merged PDF that you can upload to the “Brochure PDF” section of the rebate/subsidy item in your inventory. This PDF will be attached to the proposal like other product brochures/datasheets.

Apply a deposit to your quotes

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