Get a custom proposal done by a SolarPlus designer

To help us create a proposal that will best fit your business, please provide the following information:


  1. Which of the following are you looking for? Select as many as apply:

    1. Proposal PDF

      1. Resi short form proposal PDF

      2. Resi detailed proposal PDF

      3. Commercial short-form proposal PDF

      4. Commercial detailed proposal PDF

      5. Off-grid PDF

      6. Other

    2. Proposal Web Page

      1. Short-form web page

      2. Full web page

      3. Comparison (side-by-side) web page


  1. Style
    Do you have a brand style guide you want us to follow? (as the style guide dictates the use of logo and images, fonts, formatting, etc)
    Alternatively, send us an example of any existing promotional material you would like to follow (website, brochure, etc). If you have no designed content to work from, send an example of marketing material you like eg. from a car or other industry (but not a competitor’s quote!)

  2. Starting point
    Is there one of the built-in proposals in SolarPlus that is closest to what you want to achieve?
    Can you add markup (notes/comments) to any existing built-in or any other proposal PDF document to communicate the changes you want in your proposal?

  3. Additional custom info
    You may want to consider the following features to help make your proposal stand apart:

    1. Hero shots

    2. Company video

    3. Case study or example installs

    4. Customer testimonials

  4. What are the key points of difference you are looking to communicate in your proposal?


Please provide any other information that may help us understand your desired outcome. Your imagination is the limit!