Known issues
Thank you for your patience while we get on top of these unforeseen issues.
**Please do a Hard Refresh on your browser to clear the cache. This will ensure that the recent fixes will take effect. Alternatively open a new incognito window. **
Please see also Release Notes for daily updates
See also What’s New in V5
Device Compatibility
Issues with panel layout tool using Safari
Please use Google Chrome browser.
iPad with OS 16xx - site shows blank white screen
Please update your iPad to OS 17xx to resolve the issue.
Admin / Business Settings
Some Business and User settings cannot be viewed / updated
Most areas are now fixed. If you need something changed and cannot, please contact Support and we will do it for you, eg:
add finance plan, templates, payment schedules with 4+ payments.
Advanced Filtering option on Quotes list - search by Lead source and pipeline stage not working ST-2228
Battery test results not included in the commission report / system manual ST-2630
Install / Site Survey
Some charts show no data when tiered tariffs summing period is set to Quarter / Year ST-3598
In some cases, when an older quote is duplicated and used, quote line items don’t seem to appear on the pricing page. Please contact