Site Survey

Site Survey

The Site Survey page can be used to record site-specific information that is then passed on to a system Designer or Installer in the Job Pack. .

Creating Custom Fields

You can customise the site survey with additional information you want to gather during a site visit. To do this, go to Admin > My Business > Custom Fields


Options for field types:

Text: A single line of text

Select: Drop-down list, select 1 option.

Hidden: Shhh, it’s a secret

Email: Email address

Number: Integers or decimals

Check box: For yes/no information

Date/Time: Date/Time

Image: Upload an image

User select: Select from your list of users

Text Area: Text box for longer text responses

Radio: select one of a number of options.



Site Map

You can create a Site Map compliant with AS/NZS 5033:2021 from the Site Survey page (there’s a link back to it from the Installation Page).

  1. Drag and drop the icons you need onto the map

  2. To adjust the lines between icons, Double click on the line to select it. Circles will appear on the line. Click and drag a circle to edit the line.

  3. Click save, and click the camera to capture the image.

  4. Click “Print Site Map” - watch for a pop-up tab in your browser.

The site map is also included in the installer job pack and the customer’s system manual.



 Sitemap icons








Main street connection - Point of Interconnection (POI) where the project connects to the grid




Connection point - Point of Common Coupling (PCC) where the ownership changes from customer to utility




Main switch board - location of the main switch board




Sub board - location of the sub-board/sub-mains




Battery - location of the battery pack




Inverter - location of the inverter (one icon for each inverter)




Disconnection point - where there is no rooptop isolator which is simply the point where the string cable plug can be disconnected (direct cable run to inverter)




Here - location where the sitemap will be placed (“You are here” pointer)




Disconnect switch - rooftop disconnection device like DC isolator

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