Thank you for your patience while we get on top of these unforeseen issues.
**Please do a Hard Refresh on your browser to clear the cache. This will ensure that the recent fixes will take effect. Alternatively open a new incognito window. **
Please see also Release Notes for daily updates
Issues with panel layout tool using Microsoft Edge and Safari
Please use Google Chrome browser.
iPad with OS 16xx - site shows blank white screen
Please update your iPad to OS 17xx to resolve the issue.
Advanced Filtering option on Quotes list - search by Lead source and pipeline stage not working ST-2228
Battery test results not included in the commission report / system manual ST-2630
Install / Site Survey
Some charts show no data when tiered tariffs summing period is set to Quarter / Year ST-3598
In some cases, when an older quote is duplicated and used, quote line items don’t seem to appear on the pricing page. Please contact