Proposal Terms and Conditions

Admin > My Business > Quote preferences.


Boilerplate Terms and Conditions documents

We can provide you with a Terms and Conditions documents, including one compliant with NETCC. These are usually selected on signup, but if you need them added now, please contact Support.


Formatting tips

Copy and paste from a Word document

First you need to remove some unnecessary formatting that Word adds. To do this, copy and paste the word doc into a simple text editor and save as .txt. Then copy and paste from there into the WSIWIG editor in the Quote preferences section.

Remove paragraph gaps

Typing Shift and Enter starts a new line without a paragraph gap (rather than just hitting Enter). 

Edit the text in html

Click the Source Code icon to edit the text in html


Use Columns

When editing the Source Code, put this div container around the section that is in columns:

<div style="column-count:2;column-gap:20px;">



Adjust the column-count from 2 to 3 if you need 3 columns.


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